The common mistake that leads to suffering for parents

This is a mistake that is so pervasive and chronic, and for good reason. 

It's the one I consider kind of a "default" setting for parents; because if we aren't very mindful and practiced, we go right back to it repeatedly. And it can generate chronic stress and suffering for a lifetime. 

In my opinion, it's also the mistake that keeps parents on that dreaded, proverbial "rollercoaster" that often comes with this challenging situation.   😱🎢


I'm sharing this in a video, instead of a blog today!

A VLOG, apparently. 

So, in this video, I'm going to share... 

  • One of the most common mistakes I see that causes so much suffering 

  • Why it's so common

  • How it leads to ongoing suffering 

  • What to do instead - that will help you get off that  and start feeling more confident and calm in your life 

As always, please share with anyone you think could benefit from it.

Click below to watch.

The most common mistake that leads to suffering for parents


Wisdom is tricky: 7 things you need to accept


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